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Ade's Place & Alake Gallery
It’s called Ade’s Place. They used to call them curio shops. Most of the artwork is primarily West African, but I do have things from India, China, Turkey, Japan, Tibet and Morocco. Northern Africa, too.
This is mostly West Africa, and a little bit of Central Africa. We have the Kuba cloth from the Congo, Zaire and Angola; I have a lot of Yoruba, which is from southwest Nigeria. I have their beadwork, woven, Aso Oke, and the Adire, which is the indigo material you see. I have stuff from Ghana, like the Kente cloth, I have some Fulani blankets. My main thing is textiles. I’m very fascinated with the texture of things, especially the cloths of West Africa. The Kuba has the grass, the Yoruba have the bead work and also the woven textures in their cloth and the different thread.
I also have a lot of tapestries from India, including Saris recycled into wall hangings. I have some of the very old saris made into quilts. I have some Naga, which is one of their older groups from the mountain areas. I have some of their jewelry and fabrics. My motto is “For the Person Who Has Everything.”